This clique is for anyone who considers themselves a companion of the Doctor! To join, copy the code from the box below and paste it in a visible spot on your website.
Companions [NAME] is a companion of [DOCTOR].


- Replace [NAME] with your name and link it to your website. Replace [DOCTOR] with the Doctor you're a companion of! You can add an existing companion too, if you want. I added Donna because she and 14 are inseparable.
- Please download
to your own site rather than hotlinking it.
- If you join, leave a message in my guestbook or Neocities profile, or email me at so I can add you to the members list.
Members List 
Manatee is a companion of the 14th Doctor and Donna Noble.
Rin is a companion of Eleven.
Dizzy is a companion of the Eleventh Doctor.
Prospero is a companion of the Second Doctor and Jamie.
Petra is a companion of the 10th Doctor.
Gal is a companion of the 10th Doctor and Donna Noble.
Fab is a companion of Nine!
Fritzi is a companion of the 1st Doctor.
Opal is a companion of the Fifth Doctor Who, Nyssa, and Tegan.
Folkmoss is a companion of Ten and Donna Noble.
Beetle is a companion of the 12th Doctor.